On arrival or during your stay:
The full payment for the entire booking will be retained.
0 – 14 days before arrival or no show:
The full 50% (fifty percent) deposit paid will be retained.
15 – 28 days before arrival:
75% (seventy five percent) of deposit or 25% (twenty five percent) of the full quote value will be retained (whichever is the greater)
29 days or more before arrival:
50% (fifty percent) of deposit or 25% (twenty five percent) of full quote value will be retained (whichever is the greater)
On receipt of a written instruction to cancel the reservation, Gallery Inn will refund the applicable amount as determined by the cancellation terms of Gallery Inn, within 5 working days. Gallery Inn levies a 4.5 % administration fee on any refunds processed. Should refunds to a SWIFT bank account be required, an additional R 185.00 charge will be levied.;